Posts Tagged ‘establishment’

Equality is Not “Establishment”

The fight for equal rights is a tough one and it’s one that will not end today or tomorrow.

LGBT and straight people have fought very hard for decades — from the Stonewall riots in the summer of 1969 to Harvey Milk’s fight against Anita Bryant and her crusade in the late- 1970s to Act Up in the 1980s and for every marriage equality battle won before the Supreme Court Of The United States granted that right to every American last summer –for equal rights for everyone.


The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a leader in that fight.


My respect for Bernie Sanders dimmed after he lashed out at the HRC by calling it an “establishment organization” after its endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president.


The Human Rights Campaign is the largest LGBT civil rights advocacy group in the United States.  It has been fighting the establishment and the system for equality since its founding in 1980.

The HRC is not the only organization that endorsed Clinton and was called “establishment” by Sanders.  He said the same thing about Planned Parenthood.

That organization calls Sanders’ comments, “regrettable”.



Every fight the HRC and Planned Parenthood takes on are difficult ones and Sanders needs to be held accountable for his comments.

Hillary establishment


With the Iowa Caucus a little over a week away, I hope people see that while he may seem like a nice grandfatherly type that speaks his mind, he’s also the “establishment” and is just as “Washington” as the next candidate.

These endorsements don’t give Sanders the right to play nasty with the fights both of these organizations are taking on where we all win — straight, gay, men, women, children, elderly, rich, poor, black, white, Hispanic, and on and on!

We humans all win when there’s equality and when there’s someone there fighting for us.
