Random Friday Thoughts — November 3, 2017

I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween.

I want to share this hilarious card my friend, Jennifer, sent me before we jump into this week’s “Random Friday Thoughts”.

Halloween Card


This part of the blog has been re-worked many times since Monday.

In a regular blog week, I’d be happy to report that two-time Oscar Award winner Kevin Spacey comes out and is choosing “to live as a gay man”.  But, it’s the circumstances surrounding that Twitter “coming out” that’s disturbing.

46-year-old gay actor Anthony Rapp, a star of Broadway’s “Rent” and the CBS All Access’ series, “Star Trek Discovery”, alleges that back in 1986, then 26-year-old Spacey invited him to a party at his Manhattan apartment, when Rapp was only 14!

Rapp tells “Buzzfeed” Spacey tried to seduce him and that “I was aware that he was trying to get with me sexually.”

Spacey RappIt was then that Rapp says that Spacey “sort of stood in the doorway, kind of swaying. My impression when he came in the room was that he was drunk … He picked me up like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold. But I don’t, like, squirm away initially, because I’m like, ‘What’s going on?’ And then he lays down on top of me.”

Rapp told the LGBT magazine, “The Advocate”, this same story back in 2001, but he didn’t mention Spacey’s name.

Now, several others have come out with allegations against Spacey.


When the story broke, Spacey tweeted, “I’m beyond horrified to hear his story.  I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago. But if I did behave as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years.”

I really like Spacey as an actor and I love “House of Cards”.  However, if what Rapp says is true and why wouldn’t it be, it’s not good.  But, I have questions about this.

Was Spacey aware that Rapp was only 14?

And, I’m still baffled, whether 1986 or now, why a 14-year-old would be allowed to be out that late at an adult party — in New York City — without a parent or guardian???


After the sexual misconduct allegations against Spacey, Netflix announced that the 53-time Emmy Award-nominated series (seven wins) will end after the sixth season.

That season was set to air in 2018, but production has been suspended indefinitely!

Update:  On Friday, a statement was released from Netflix:  “Netflix will not be involved with any further production of House of Cards that includes Kevin Spacey. We will continue to work with MRC [Media Rights Capital, the company that produces the show] during this hiatus time to evaluate our path forward as it relates to the show.”



Even before these developments, if you’re caught up on the show, you know that it was likely nearing its end after the season five finale.


Since the Harvey Weinstein rape and sexual misconduct scandal broke and the Spacey allegations, accusations of inappropriate behavior are coming out against director Brett Ratner and actors Dustin Hoffman and Jeremy Piven.


And, women are even coming forward with allegations against former President George H.W. Bush!


I was one of the 90 million people watching the Super Bowl halftime performance in 2004 when a “wardrobe malfunction” flashed Janet Jackson’s boob and pierced nipple to the world.

Janet Jackson nip slip

My first reaction was “did I just see what I think I saw?”.  However, then and now, I’m still baffled about what’s so taboo about a woman’s boobie?

So, now we’re talking about it again because it was announced that Justin Timberlake, who’s had an amazing career before and after that incident, will be playing Super Bowl LII (52) in February.

Yet, Jackson is still treated like a pariah. It’s white privilege and that’s what people are saying with #JusticeForJanet.

For Christ’s sake, bring her back for a performance if only to rip off Timberlake’s shirt to reveal his nipple and chest!


I saw Janet on the “Unbreakable Tour” in Omaha, Nebraska, in October 2015.

After taking time off for health reasons, to become a mother, and separating from her overbearing Middle Eastern husband, Janet is back on the road again with the re-branded “State of The World Tour”.

When I saw her, she was phenomenal and very covered up.  Only her face and hands were visible.  Her new tour costumes are sexier and more revealing!

Here’s a video of the incredible song “It” from the show I saw.


You may have noticed that Hillary Clinton was everywhere over the past month or so promoting her book, “What Happened?”, about the 2016 presidential election.

Hillary What Happened

In an interview with “The Sunday Times”, she said, “I thought I’d be a damn good president, I did not think I was going to lose.”

Clinton went on to say, “I feel a terrible sense of responsibility for not having figured out how to defeat this person. There must have been a way and I didn’t find it.”

So now, I don’t have to refer to him as #45 all the time.  I now have “this person”!


(*Disclaimer:  This part of the blog was already written before the Kevin Spacey story broke earlier in the week.  The upcoming movie, “Call Me By Your Name”, takes place in Italy where the legal age of consent in 16.  The characters in the movie are 24 and 17.*)

After “Beauty and the Beast”, the movie I was impatiently waiting to see was “The Snowman”.  Sadly, the horrid reviews scared me away and I’m now waiting for it on DVD.

My anticipation is building for “Call Me By Your Name”.

call me

When the movie opens November 24th, I doubt that it’ll play in Panama City, Florida, but I might be surprised.  If that’s the case, I’m not too worried because I’ll catch it when I visit Las Vegas in December.

As the praise and Oscar buzz for the movie grows, I’m getting rather ticked about the silly blogs and articles slamming it for not showing full frontal nudity!

Trust me, I understand it.  If Armie Hammer and Timothee Chalamet were showing “the full monty”, I’d love it, too.

But, as sensual as the movie is expected to be, if that’s what you really want to see, just Google “male nudity” or check out redtube for porn!  It’s free!


Proof that some people have way too much time on their hand or are way too creative, someone took the dance scene from “Call Me By Your Name” and set it too many different songs and IT WORKS.  It’s hilarious.

Here’s the original from the movie with the Psychedelic Furs.

Here are a couple of favorites — “Til’ The World Ends” by Britney Spears and “What Makes You Beautiful” by One Direction.  Too cute!


Hershey’s is debuting a new candy bar December 1st and it sounds amazing!

It’s a caramelized creme bar with bits of salty peanuts and pretzel bits.

Hersheys Gold

This is only the fourth candy bar in the company’s history.  The original debuted in 1900, followed by a special dark variety in 1939, and the Hershey’s Cookies ‘n Creme bar in 1995.



“THE WALKING DEAD”— Negan is still alive and after a decent return in the eighth season opener, the second episode of mainly gunfight was so boring.  If this continues, I’m seriously done!

Eric was shot, but I’m not too concerned.  I’m shipping Jesaaron (Jesus and Aaron), so Eric needs to go. 🙂

“MADAM SECRETARY” — Loved Elizabeth calling out the Fox News-like network and “fake news” and how it’s hurting America.  And, I was totally shocked and saddened by the departure of a beloved character. (The actress asked CBS to be released from her contract.)

“THE GOOD DOCTOR” — Still loving this hit Freddie Highmore series on ABC.

“THE BRAVE” — Still enjoying this thriller, yet it seems like every time they go up against terrorists, they always win without causalities.

For God & Country - Season Pilot

That’s a good thing because this show has the most beautiful cast!

“TEN DAYS IN THE VALLEY” —  After four episodes, it’s been pulled from the schedule due to low ratings.  It’ll return on Saturday nights in December to burn off the remaining six episodes.  I still want to see how it ends.

“AMERICAN HORROR STORY: CULT” — This crazy, enjoyable season wraps up November 14th.  Sadly, I know how the real life events this installment is based on is going.  I want to know how insane it’ll get over the next two weeks!


Does anyone remember “Don Quichotte” by the French trio Magazine 60?

While the song reached the Top Ten in France and it was played in American dance clubs, it only reached the Top 60 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1986.


Laugh it Up



With all the craziness in the world, make it the best in your little part of it!


2 responses to this post.

  1. Thanks for the levity!!


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