Posts Tagged ‘James D’Arcy’

Random Friday Thoughts — August 2, 2019

Three weeks now with a new “Random Friday Thoughts”.   There’s two more coming before another break!

I appreciate you taking the time to see what I have to say and for sharing your thoughts, too!

Have a great weekend!


After the first two round of debates for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, I took the the liberty to eliminate those that I think don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell.


Less than two weeks after the first debate, on July 8, 2019, Rep. Eric Swalwell announced he’s dropping out of the 2020 race.

Honestly, I only think two or three of those not marked off even have a real chance against that man!




In her book, “Ferraro:  My Story”, she shared this story:  it was early 1983 and she was talking about which eventual Democratic candidate she’d support.


She wanted someone who shared her values to be the candidate, but she would campaign for any Democrat to run against Ronald Reagan.

As we head into the race to get Trump out of office, remember what Ferraro wrote more than 30 years ago.

She perfectly summed it up with, “Even an imperfect candidate would be better than Reagan — that’s how strongly I felt.”


If you haven’t watched the fourth episode of this season of “Pose”, “Never Knew Love Like This Before”, skip down and start reading after the music video.


It’s a very powerful episode highlighting the number of our trans sisters and brothers (mostly sisters and almost all people of color) that are murdered each year.

This year alone, at least 12 trans women have been killed.  Denali Berries Stuckey was murdered in Charleston, South Carolina two weekends ago.


To drive that point and the story line home, “Pose” killed off an incredible character, Candy Ferocity, played by the amazing Angelica Ross!

Here’s Candy in her “Blonde Ambition” best!

Candy as Madonna

And, what a beautiful sendoff and tribute!

“Never Knew Love Like This Before” by Stephanie Mills reached #6 on the Billboard Hot 100 and won two Grammy Awards!


The new Taylor Swift Capital One commercial is hilarious!

In it, “Taylor” fails miserably as a server and bartender!  I love the martini shaker segment!


Charter/Spectrum cable is horrible!  (I know many people think their cable providers are bad, too.  By the way, Mediacom, I didn’t care for you either!)

When I move again in 2020, I’ve already decided that I no longer want cable.  I won’t make cable conglomerates richer!

It seems fitting for me since four of the series I watch are sadly ending:  “Mr. Robot”, “How To Get Away With Murder”, “Madam Secretary” and “Homeland”!


The final season, starring Oscar and Emmy winner Rami Malek, will arrive in later in 2019 and will feature 12 episodes to wrap up the series.


And, from this advance image, it looks to be a killer, holiday season!


As I expected when the show was renewed this summer, the sixth season of the ABC hit, “How To Get Away With Murder” with Oscar and Emmy award winning actress Viola Davis will be the last one!


Show runner Pete Nowalk says, “For me, Annalise Keating’s journey has always had a clear ending. Knowing I have 15 episodes left to finish her story, and the chance to give all the characters their own killer endings, is a gift rarely given to a series creator and I’m grateful to ABC and ABC Studios for the opportunity and creative freedom.”

He adds, “I also want to thank our fans. The only reason this show exists is because of your loyalty and enthusiasm. I can’t wait for you all to see how it ends, with twists and turns and all the craziness we love to create every Thursday night. Buckle up.”

When the fifth season ended, a major character disappeared and the season featured a hot newcomer that I’m hoping will return this season.

In March, I blogged about the show and Gerardo Celasco, who plays Xavier Castillo, and he was kind enough to tweet me back! 🙂



The final season premieres September 26, 2019.


Not only will the sixth season of “Madam Secretary” be its last, but it will be a shortened season — ten episodes.


Spoiler alert:  At the end of season five, Elizabeth announced she’s leaving her position as Secretary of State to run for president.  Will she win?

The final season premieres on CBS on Sunday, October 6, 2019.


The Emmy winning Showtime series winds up later this year with its eighth season.

The series starting shooting in Morocco early this year, but it was delayed from a summer debut “because of production demands of our international locations”.

I can’t wait to see this season, which takes place in “Afghanistan”, after the heartbreaking ending with Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes).

I’ll take this time to share again what I wrote in April 2019: “And, in a casting note that I love, Hugh Dancy (NBC’s “Hannibal”), who’s also Danes’ real-life husband will have a multi-series arc!” and While I’m thrilled that Dancy will be joining the cast, I hope they bring back James D’Arcy and make him Carrie’s love interest.  He’s already mine!!! 🙂

68th Primetime Emmy Awards, Arrivals, Los Angeles, USA - 18 Sep 2016

Dunkirk Premiere - NYC


I’ve read several books recently while trying to walk off some of the gained winter weight.

This includes “Skywriting” by Jane Pauley about being bipolar, Tom Brokaw’s “The Greatest Generation” and “The Greatest Generation Speaks”, two books about World War II, the veterans and the people who kept America running back home while our service men and women were at war.

And, I read Jane Fonda’s “My Life So Far”.

In December 2018, I wrote this about Fonda after seeing “Jane Fonda In Five Acts”.

“Two-time Oscar winner Jane Fonda, who turns 81 next week, is still turning out award nominated work both on the big screen and on television (“Grace and Frankie”)

There are still people in the U.S. that dislike (okay, hate) Fonda for a mistake she made back in the Vietnam conflict.

But, this HBO documentary is amazing.

It shows Fonda in five acts:  from Henry Fonda’s daughter and her first years as an actress through the men that try to define her (three ex-husbands) to her current work.”


Also, I read “We Need To Talk About Kevin” by Lionel Shriver.

Tilda Swinton and Ezra Miller starred in the movie, which was my third favorite movie in 2012.


As I wrote in June 2012, “I did cry from a performance recently from a movie released last year and then I shook my head that the actress was snubbed from an Academy Award nomination.”

I’m talking about Tilda Swinton and her gut-wrenching, Golden Globe, Screen Actor’s Guild, and BAFTA award (the British equivalent to the American Oscar) nominated performance in “We Need to Talk About Kevin”.  Swinton plays Eva Katchadourian, a successful travel writer, wife, and mother of two children.  The movie focuses on her difficult relationship with her older child, her son, Kevin.

There is a scene of Eva sitting in her house eating dinner after an altercation at the grocery store that just broke my heart and Swinton is just incredible.

Another standout in the movie was Ezra Miller, who played Kevin as a 16-year-old.”



With all the craziness in the world, make it the best in your little part of it!



Random Friday Thoughts — September 7, 2018

As always, I thank you for taking the time to check out my “Random Friday Thoughts”!


In reality, I think I have a great connection with God.  I talk to him (or someone that I think is listening) and we have an understanding.

But, just in case, if I go to hell, I know I won’t be alone.

Ann Coulter will be there, I’m sure.  Does that mean we have to talk to each other?  I hope not.

This may not be the “Christian” thing to say, but after this tweet last week, I hope I’m around long enough to dance on her grave!

Ann Coulter.JPG


The sixth and final season of Netflix’s “House of Cards” will debut November 2, 2018.

Those eight episodes will focus on Claire Underwood (Robin Wright).

The big question will be how the series will handle the firing on Kevin Spacey, who played President Frank Underwood.


Although we don’t know how it happens, we now likely know the answer!



Yes, this was scandalous back when it appears in “Cosmopolitan” back in 1972! 🙂


The actor that died Thursday admits that he was “plastered” for the shoot and he regrets it.

I know many don’t! 🙂

Here’s a younger, sexy Burt clothed!

Young Burt




I’ve traveled with Gate 1 Travel a couple of times over the years — a Danube River cruise and a tour of Scandinavia.

However, I got this offer from them in April and NO THANK YOU!

gate 1 uganda.JPG

Now, I’m sure Uganda has something to offer tourists.   That is, unless you’re gay.

In the fall of 2010, the Ugandian newspaper, “Rolling Stone” (not to be confused with the American magazine of the same name), published a front-page article, “100 Pictures of Uganda’s Top Homos Leak”.

It listed the names, addresses, and pictures of 100 gay people (or people perceived to be be gay) alongside a yellow banner that read “Hang Them”!

In one of the more high profile cases, three months later,  gay rights activist David Kato was murdered!


On November 13, 2012, I wrote about Rebecca Kadaga (above), who claims ‘that Ugandans are demanding it’ (the ‘Kill The Gays’ bill that will likely be law by the end of the year).

She calls the bill, a ‘Christmas gift’ to the people of Uganda.

I seriously don’t think she knows the Christ she’s referencing! Very sad!”


And, in February 2014, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed a controversial law that makes being gay punishable by life in prison.

Uganda President

He was torn over the issue, but said that gay people were “sick” and needed treatment and not imprisonment.  But, he added that the law was necessary because of the arrogance of Westerners promoting behavior that threatens Ugandans’ “way of life”.

My reply then:  “Here’s a reality check for you, President Museveni:  my being gay and open about it does not threaten the “way of life” in your nation (and the other 37 African countries that make it illegal to be gay).  What you should be threatened by is losing the $1.6 billion aid that you received in 2011 from the United States!”

Gate 1 Travel, I know you can’t stop offering trips to homophobic countries (Hello Russia and Vladmir Putin!), but no thank you!


Back in March 2012, I was writing about “has been” child actor Kirk Cameron.

He said this about gay people in a blog about marriage equality, “I think that it’s unnatural. I think that it’s detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization.”

And, in light of her recent racist tweets and getting fired by ABC, it’s hard to believe that crazy Roseanne Barr, showed compassion for others.  She posted this to Cameron:

“Kirk or Kurt or whatever Cameron is an accomplice to murder with his hate speech. so is Rick Warren. Their peers r killing gays in Uganda.”


The band Toto scored nine Top 40 hits on the Billboard Hot 100 from 1978-1988.

Of those, four reached the Top Ten:  “Hold The Line”(#5, 1978), “Rosanna” (#2, 1982), “Africa” (#1, 1983), and “I Won’t Hold You Back” (#10, 1983).

“Africa” was from the band’s biggest selling album, 1982’s “Toto IV”, which sold 12 million copies worldwide.


The love affair and honeymoon with “Crazy Rich Asians” goes on and on…


Raise a glass 🍾🥂!

It brought in another $28.3 million for the 4-day Labor Day weekend – the best since 2007’s “Halloween” ($30.6 million).

This is incredible because “Crazy Rich Asians” is in its 3rd amazing week at #1 and “Halloween” was a new release!

And, the only two movies other than “Crazy Rich Asians” to spend three weeks or more at the top of the domestic box office this year were both Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.

Does this mean that “Crazy Rich Asians” are now superheroes? 🙂


I took this photo in Ottawa, Ontario, a few years ago and now it’s relevant.

So, apply within! 🙂


Maybe the sexy men of “The Snowman” and the four sexy 20-somethings I mention under “Lady Bird” can apply! 🙂

See below!  LOL


After a stellar seventh season with “Cult”, the new season of “American Horror Story: Apocalypse” looks completely amazing and bonkers!

It arrives on FX on Wednesday, September 12th!


I finally saw “Lady Bird” from writer-director Greta Gerwig starring Saoirse Ronan, Laurie Metcalf, Tracy Letts, Lucas Hedges, and Timothée Chalamet.

The $10 million film made $78.5 million and earned five Oscar nominations — Best Picture, Best Director (Gerwig), Best Actress (Ronan), Best Supporting Actress (Metcalf), and Best Original Screenplay (Gerwig).

I had to rewind and watch the scene about going to City College, to jail, and back to City College again because it cracked me up so much! 🙂  It’s in the trailer. 🙂

I loved the difficult relationship between Lady Bird and her mother.

The movie also stars two of favorite hotties in their 20s, Timothée Chalamet (“Call Me By Your Name”) and Lucas Hedges (“Manchester By The Sea” and “Boy Erased”).  (By the way, my other two are Charlie Puth and Shawn Mendes!)  LOL



On July 24, 2015, I wrote about “The Snowman”, a 2007 crime thriller by Norwegian author Jo Nesbo, the seventh book in the Detective Harry Hole series.


I called the book “incredible” and I was excited that there was talk of adapting the book into a movie.

Fast forward to 2017… I wrote about the movie several times — the casting of my crush Michael Fassbender, the first trailer, and then the disappointment of the first reviews of the movie.

And, then I saw it and on January 26, 2018, I wrote about it one more time under the ominous headline, “THE SNOWMAN (DISASTER)”!

In short, I wrote, “movie critics are known to be wrong.  But, not this time!”… “it was the most disjointed thing I’ve seen in a long time.  It was like they had a script and threw out pages here and there and just pieced it together.  (The director said they did run of time shooting the movie!)”

“I visited Norway late last summer. You know the movie is bad when you spend most of it picking out all of locales that you saw while there”.

“The only real highlight of the movie was a gratuitous, but pointless to the plot, shot of Fassbender standing by the window in tight blue briefs!

Read the amazing book instead!”



Don’t get alarmed, there is no part 2!  Silly me recorded the movie and watched it again to see if it really was as bad I thought it was in January.  It is!

However, I did capture that gratuitous shot of Fassbender to share this time. 🙂


Also, there are two others hotties in the movie:  James D’Arcy,

Dunkirk Premiere - NYC

and Jakob Oftebro.

Jakob Rebecca

And, I can’t forget Rebecca Ferguson!


We’re only two months away from a movie that I know will be awesome.

“Bohemian Rhapsody”, the movie based on the life of Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the rock group Queen.

It stars the amazing and incredibly sexy Emmy winner Rami Malik (“Mr. Robot”).

It hits theaters on November 2, 2018.


The fourth season of the stellar series will be its last!

Creator Sam Esmail confirmed this and adds that the final season, coming in 2019, will be twelve episodes instead of eight to wrap up the story!


With all the craziness in the world, make it the best in your little part of it!
