Posts Tagged ‘Rosamund Pike’

Random Friday Thoughts — March 12, 2021

Spring is inching closer and next week, the Irish and those just wanting to eat corned beef and cabbage and drink green beer will be celebrating.

Since beer isn’t really my thing, here’s a flashback picture from my August 2013 Cancun trip of my favorite drink (green).

Not sure if it had a name, but it was a heavy pour of Smirnoff Vodka, melon liquor, a splash of sour mix topped off with a little blended (not frozen) pina colada.  It was incredible! 

Thank you for taking the time check out my random thoughts. Feel free to share yours, too!

Oh, back to that picture — how did get so old in the past eight years? That’s rhetorical. Don’t answer!


For morning network news shows, “Breaking News” is so five minutes ago! (CNN still uses it in overkill!)

The new tired cliché is “Bombshell”! Stop now! (Unless, of course, you’re talking about the movie about Megyn Kelly, Roger Ailes, and Fox News!)

Let’s get beyond this. If you have an interview and someone says something you didn’t know, while newsworthy, that’s called “reporting”!

Case in point — earlier this week, all three morning shows, “Today”, “Good Morning America”, and “CBS This Morning” were all talking about the Harry and Meghan interview with Oprah Winfrey. And, all three had a chyron with the word “Bombshell” in it at the same time!

I’m not a fan of the Royal family (except on “The Crown”), nor do I care about Meghan Markle’s life. (I agree that some of the things she discussed bears further discussion. Otherwise, I could care less about her life in that family!)

It’s NOT a “BOMBSHELL in the 2020s to learn that British Royal Family is mean. Google “royal family”+”Lady Diana”!

To quote Ariana Grande, “thank u, next”!


One of my favorite shows is coming to an end! 😦

The upcoming third season of the critically acclaimed and fan favorite FX series, “Pose”, will be its last!

The cutting edge drama’s final season premieres May 2, 2021.

The networks says this season will take place in 1994.

“Entertainment Weekly” reports that Blanca (Mj Rodriguez) is struggling a balancing act of being a mother, being in love, and being a nurse’s aide.

Also, from “EW”, “the AIDS crisis becomes the leading cause of death for Americans aged 25-44, and Pray Tell [Emmy winner Billy Porter] grapples with his related health burdens — all while the rise of a fresh, new house forces the Evangelistas to consider their own legacy.”



This Netflix black comedy is incredible!

It’s the story of Marla Grayson, a con artist who makes a living by convincing judges that many of her “clients” are not competent enough to take care of themselves and she’s awarded guardianship.

It freaked me out a bit because this can happen even without YOU being present in court!

Anyway, I thought, how can this con be sustained over two hours? Well, that happens when they choose a “cherry”, an older person with a lot of money and no family interference, that really isn’t who they think she is.

Rosamund Pike is incredible as the icy, conniving Marla. She won the Golden Globe this year in the Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical category. It’s a well-deserved win!

Peter Dinklage (“Game of Thrones”) was incredible, too, but I really didn’t need to see him naked! (Oops, spoiler alert!)



Last month, I talked about Cissy Houston and her 2013 book, “Remembering Whitney: My Story of Love, Loss, and the Night the Music Stopped”.

I had no desire to read the book because of her reaction to Oprah Winfrey while she was promoting it.

In the interview, Oprah read an excerpt that implied Whitney may have had a relationship with her assistance, Robyn Crawford, and she asked Cissy, “Would it have bothered you if your daughter, Whitney, was gay?” and she replied,  “Absolutely.”

I avoided the book for eight years because of her close-minded response, but in February, I wrote, “After reading Robyn’s book [“A Song For You: My Life With Whitney Houston”], I’m going to read Cissy’s book, even if I cringe through it — to see if she mentions the gay rumors!”

Well, I read it and she didn’t spend much time talking about Robyn and Whitney and the details of their intimate (or not) relationship. She made no bones about disliking Robyn.

Actually, she spent most of the book talking about herself! It was basically a Cissy Houston biography with details about her daughter.

Yes, she felt she didn’t do enough to help Whitney, but the book was empty and I spent much of the time reading it and wishing I hadn’t. I didn’t care for Cissy Houston before reading the book and I definitely care for her less after it!

I’ll stop now because I’m keeping my honest, unkind thoughts to myself. If you haven’t read it, DON’T!


Crawford’s book was much better, more honest, much more in touch. If you want to know the real Whitney, read this one instead of Cissy’s book!






Comedian Wanda Sykes’ 2004 book, “Yeah, I Said It”, is so hilarious.

She definitely needs to follow it with another one just like it!

While she takes many shots at then-President George W. Bush and the Iraqi War, she also ranted about his predecessor, Bill Clinton.

I won’t quote all that she said about Clinton (whom she supported, but still called him an “idiot” and that she was “disappointed by him”) because it’s a few pages long and very adult in nature. 🙂

About Clinton lying and then recanting his story about his sexual encounters with Monica Lewinsky once they pulled out the blue dress, Sykes says, “A little DNA. Bill’s not smart. They had DNA, blood, a glove, two dead bodies, a limo driver, a barking dog, and O.J. still said, ‘I’m one hundred percent not guilty.’ Stick with the lie.”

And, Lewinsky didn’t escape unscathed. Sykes said the judge should have thrown the case out of court because she kept the dress.

Sykes: “I should throw you in jail for being nasty, Miss Nasty Ass! What else you keep, some old Q-tips and some tissue? How old are those drawers you wearing, Miss Nasty Ass? Bailiff, wipe all this off where she was sitting, too.”

Also included in the 247 pages of hilarity, she also listed the thirteen things you’ll never hear her say!


With all the craziness in the world, make it the best in your little part of it!


Random Thoughts — February 15, 2019

I hope you had a great Valentine’s Day and if you didn’t celebrate it with anyone, maybe you’ll enjoy the half-price candy! 🙂

Enjoy your weekend and thank you for checking out my random thoughts.


West Virginia Republican politician Eric Porterfield is scared (and scary)!

Appearing on a local television news show wearing a red “MAGA” hat, the interviewer asked him how he’d react if his son or daughter told him they were gay.

He responded, “Well, I would dress my daughter first, as I would take her for a pedicure, I’d take her to get her nails done, and see if she could swim.  If it was my son, I would probably take him hunting, I would take him fishing, then I’d see if he could swim.”


What a disgusting man!

And, Porterfield has the nerve to say, I believe the LGBTQ is the modern version of the Ku Klux Klan, calls us “brutal, vicious monsters” and adds, “I am terrified of these people”.

Dude, talk to God or a therapist!


In my last random thoughts blog, I talked about outing people and if it’s appropriate and if so, under what circumstances.  Rock Hudson and Lily Tomlin were mentioned.

One of my friends responded, “I believe that Rock Hudson And Lily Tomlin were probably afraid their careers would be ruined!”

That same day, I was reading the February/March 2019 issue of “The Advocate” and Jeff Davis, the out gay creator and showrunner of  MTV’s “Teen Wolf” talked about how it is in Hollywood even now.

Davis says, “many gay actors I know still don’t believe they’ll get roles they want or [think] that they’ll only be considered for gay roles [if they come out].  The industry still believes that coming out is a career killer.  I can name 10 gay actors right now who are not publicly out.  It’s their choice.  But I keep hoping they’ll take that step.” 


Sexy Jonathan Groff is one actor that publicly came out in 2009.


Groff is a star on Broadway (“Spring Awakening” and “Hamilton”), the big screen (the voice of Kristoff in the “Frozen” movie series) and television (“Glee” and “Looking”).

He plays straight on his hit, critically acclaimed (and incredible) Netflix series, “Mindhunter”.

If you didn’t see the first season yet, it’s amazing!  It’s set in 1977 and follows two FBI agents, who help start the Behavioral Science Unit by profiling criminals.

The second season is expected this year and will focus on the Atlanta murders (children and young adults) of 1979-1981.


Reba’s new single, “Stronger Than The Truth” is out now and the album of the same name comes out April 5th!

Reba Truth

Here’s the first single.


This movie is based on a 2012 “Vanity Fair” article called “Marie Colvin’s Private War”.

Colvin was a real life, award winning news correspondent that covered many war torn areas (Sri Lanka, Iraq, and Syria).  She discovered and brought to light many atrocities and horrors being committed by foreign governments.

These nightmares brought on the private war that Colvin fought in her life and in her career.

Oscar nominee Rosamund Pike (“Gone Girl”) was stunning and heartbreaking as Colvin.


“ANGELS OF SEX” (“El Sexo de los Ángeles”)

Have you ever watched a movie and depending on the circumstances or mood at the time, it might not have made a big impression on you?  Then, you see it again and you’re blown away by it.

That’s “Angels of Sex” for me!

I first saw this 2012 Spanish movie many years ago and it’s been sitting on my shelf since then.

I’m re-watching my older movies to get rid of them, but I’m definitely keeping this one now and watching it again!

I absolutely loved “Angels of Sex” this time around!

Alvaro Cervantes (Rai), Llorenc Gonzales (Bruno), and Astrid Berges-Frisbey (Carla) are beautiful, stunning and great actors to boot.  You can’t take your eyes off them!

And, this movie, which is about a polyamorous relationship and sexual fluidity, was well ahead of its time.

Those terms are becoming popular and more widespread in today’s LGBTQ and straight worlds!



Academy Award winner Viola Davis is incredible as always in this movie, but I can’t say that I thought it was a spectacular film.

It felt like it wasn’t sure what kind of movie it wanted to be.  There were several story lines that the director tried to tie together seamlessly, but I don’t feel that was accomplished.

But, maybe it was just me!

The $42 million movie earned $75.8 million in theaters and made many critics’ Top Ten lists for 2018.

It was Richard Roeper’s (Chicago Sun-Times) #1 movie of the year!



With all the craziness in the world, make it the best in your little part of it!
