Posts Tagged ‘T.K. Carlos’

Random Friday Thoughts — August 11, 2023

August is moving along and that means we’re one day closer to fall.

There are rumors that Wendy’s may be introducing a new Frosty flavor this autumn — pumpkin spice.

Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy’s, created a “light chocolate” Frosty as one of the five original items in 1969.

In 2006, a vanilla flavor was introduced and the chain can only have two flavors at a time.

In the summer of 2022, strawberry replaced the vanilla, and last fall, peppermint replaced vanilla. I’ve only had chocolate, but would try the pumpkin spice.

Thank you for checking out my random thoughts.


Last Friday, Miss Xanadu went through a puppy “rite of passage” and was spayed.

All went well and the little critter was so pathetic when I picked her up.

While she’s feeling well, she developed an infection, an adverse reaction to the stitches, and is now on antibiotics. Also, once it got infected, she discovered the surgical spot on her tummy, and started licking it.

She’s now white-trash bandaged and will wear the “cone of shame” while in the crate when she’s unattended. This is not going to be pretty!

Before the infection, she did experience her first rainbow last Sunday.

She has a lot in common with my sister — not following medical advice. She still wants to jump and run.


Speaking of my sister, Tammy had a stroke about two weeks ago and finally went to the emergency room days later because her arm was still numb (she thought she slept on it the wrong way).

Tests showed one carotid artery was 99% closed up, which caused the stroke.

A risky surgery (with her history of heart attacks and COPD) was performed and the surgeon cleaned it out. She’s feeling better now.

The aftermath of the surgery makes her look like a hapless survivor of Michael Myers in a “Halloween” movie.

Like every time before when a major medical crisis occurs, she was told she has to stop smoking, eat healthier, and exercise.

I desperately want my BFF to prove me wrong and do it this time. Otherwise, like every time in the past, it’s “blah blah blah”!


I can’t believe it’s already been a year since Olivia Newton-John passed away after a long battle with breast cancer.

I was fortunate enough to see her in concert in Las Vegas in 2014.


It was also one year ago today that actress Anne Heche died six days after a horrific car accident and fire in Los Angeles.

This 2001 memoir came out after her high-profile relationship and break-up with talk show host/comedienne Ellen DeGeneres and her psychotic break with reality in Fresno, California.

After reading about her childhood and her Emmy-winning years on a soap opera, I can definitely understand her mental breakdown especially after the way the press badgered her and Ellen after their coming out as the most famous gay entertainment couple and their breakup.

I’ll also be reading her 2023 follow-up “Call Me Anne”.


I just finished this new book from Zachary Jonathan Jacobson.

It was informative, but, overall, not a fun read because it came across as too clinical.

Here are some of the interesting takeaways:

In his first debate in the 1960 presidential race against John F. Kennedy, seeing Nixon’s flop sweat and his shifty and darkened eyes and cheeks, his mother thought him “sickly” and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley exclaimed, “My God, they’ve embalmed him before he even died!”

Former President Harry Truman called Nixon a “shifty-eyed, goddamn liar” and a “son of a bitch”.

In 2014, Bob Woodward, who helped bring Nixon down as a reporter for the Washington Post said, it “was a White House full of lies, chaos, distrust, speculation, self-protection, maneuver, and counter maneuver”. He added Nixon’s regime had “a crookedness that makes Netflix’s ‘House of Cards’ look unsophisticated.”

Near the end of a television news conference in the fall of 1973, after a nuclear scare in the Middle East, Nixon was getting agitated and he was asked about his “rumored disturbed temperament” and the president replied, “Don’t get the impression that you arouse my anger. You see, one can only be angry with those he respects.”

“9-1-1: LONE STAR” & “9-1-1

I finally got around to watching the fourth season of “9-1-1: Lone Star” and the second half of the sixth season of “9-1-1”.

While I enjoy both of them, “Lone Star” is my favorite. A lot of it has to do with the diversity of the cast and the character’s lives.

And, I just can’t get enough of T.K. and Carlos!

And, getting back to the second half of the last season of “9-1-1”, I just didn’t care about the characters any more!

Do you watch the two series? If so, which is your favorite?


I decided I’m going to start checking out some classics, so I started with the Oscar-winning 1975 movie, “Dog Day Afternoon”.

Academy Award-nominee Al Pacino plays Sonny, an amateur bank robber trying to steal enough money for his “wife”, Leon, to have a sex change operation.

Leon was played by Oscar nominee Chris Sarandon (former husband of Susan).

The movie definitely captured the grittiness and dirtiness of 1970s New York City and 34-year-old Pacino was smoking hot!

While entertaining, the outcome was too predictable — especially with who lived and died!



With all the craziness in the world, make it the best in your little part of it!
