Favorite Movies of 2010

This will look almost identical to my “Favorite Albums of 2010” since I don’t know which one you may look at first.  Yes, I copied and pasted and changed a few words to fit the occasion.

I haven’t been hitting the spiked egg nog (yet).  At the end of 2010, I posted my favorite movies and albums of the year on my Facebook page, but I’m posting this in my blog as I prepare my list of favorite of 2013.

So, take a little flashback in time and let me know how many of these movies you’ve seen and how many you didn’t know about.


Winter's Bone

9 CD

The Hurt Locker


Piranha 3D

#7 CD

The Lovely Bones

#6 CD

His Secret Life


Patrik 1.5



green 3


#2 CD

Prayers For Bobby


The Kids Are All Right


3 responses to this post.

  1. I don’t watch a lot of movies, but I LOVED the Hurt Locker. Renner is an excellent actor. Though a lot of folks panned The Bourne Legacy, that was the only one of the Bourne series I enjoyed.

    I wanted to see The Kids Are Alright & Winter’s Bone (but time passed & I forgot). Couldn’t bring myself to watch Precious. Didn’t really care to watch Burlesque or The Lovely Bones. Hadn’t heard about the others.


    • Joyce,

      Jennifer Lawrence was amazing in “Winter’s Bone” and it’s funny that she and her “The Hunger Games” co-star Josh Hutcherson are in my Top Ten of 2010 (he was in “The Kids Are All Right”).

      “Precious” was incredible, but so, so sad, as was “The Lovely Bones”.



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