Secrets Exposed!! President Barack Obama Is Guilty!

I have some shocking news to share with you.  The conspiracy theories have been running rampant since last weekend and now I have proof that they may not have been so far-fetched!

Some of you will scream that it’s unfair that the Commander-in-Chief of the greatest nation on Earth should be granted so much power and control.  It’s one thing that President Barack Obama worked very hard to pass the Patient Protection and Affordable Act, or “Obamacare” in March 2010 and repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in September 2011.  But, the powers that he possesses go much deeper than that.

Last week, right-wing blowhard Rush Limbaugh angered me slightly, but then I just laughed at his stupidity when he stated that President Obama was indirectly responsible for Tropical Storm Isaac cancelling the first day of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.  Limbaugh stated, “I’m not alleging conspiracies here. The Hurricane Center is the regime; the Hurricane Center is the Commerce Department.  It’s the government. It’s Obama.”

At first, I thought, that man is so stupid and he’ll say anything to get people riled up.

As you recall, last week, the initial storm track of  “Isaac” from the Hurricane Center had the storm passing dangerously close to south Florida before the track moved more west-northwest taking it into the Gulf of Mexico instead of across Florida.  However, we all know that weather forecasts never change and that meteorologists are never wrong!  Right?

Sadly, I admit that Limbaugh was on to something.  It seems that once the Republicans cancelled the first day of their convention, Isaac’s course shifted and set its sights on Louisiana and that is where it made landfall.

And, now here’s the smoking gun that proves that the “conspiracy theorists” were right.  I have proof that President Obama is manipulating the atmosphere in his quest to defeat Mitt Romney in the November presidential election and this could be an inconvenient truth to some.

While all eyes were focused on the Gulf of Mexico last week to see where Hurricane Isaac would make landfall and to see how much flooding would take place in Louisiana, two other storms were developing out in the Atlantic just in time to wreak havoc on the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, September 4-6, 2012.

On August 30, 2012, Tropical Storm Kirk strengthened into a hurricane and the next day, winds reached 105 miles-per-hour, which is a category two hurricane.  However, it dissipated Sunday, September 2nd and never posed a threat to land, much less the East Coast.

And, now Tropical Storm Leslie is located out in the Atlantic and will likely become a hurricane later this week, but it will not threaten the East Coast of the United States anytime soon.

That means two hurricanes moving through the Atlantic in the week before and the week of the Democratic National Convention both steered clear of North Carolina.  Rather convenient, wouldn’t you say?

So, Mr. President, since you now control the weather, once you’re finished with the convention, could you please send enough rain to Illinois and Iowa to alleviate the drought?  Thank you in advance.

The preceding blog is satire.




the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.

a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.
My name is Anthony Peoples and I approve this satirical blog.

10 responses to this post.

  1. Thankyou for my laugh of the day! lol!!!


  2. Thank you Anthony, even though we are on different sides of the aisle, I have not left my sense of humor behind! Glad we are friends!!


  3. Posted by anthony posey on September 4, 2012 at 11:12 am

    one of your best


  4. Ants,

    Thank you for the compliment and for checking it out.



  5. Posted by Dorothy DeMay on September 4, 2012 at 12:34 pm

    Anthony you crack me up!!! Thanks for the laugh.


  6. Interesting observations, Anthony. I tend to be a Centrist, and find that most times both political parties tend to be either too far left or right for me.


  7. Posted by Kathy Hyson on September 4, 2012 at 3:59 pm

    Love it Anthony!! Thanks for the laugh…always love reading your blog!


  8. Kathy,

    I’m glad you got a laugh out of it and I appreciate you reading my blogs, enjoying them, and for the compliment.

    Take care, my friend.



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